Friday, September 08, 2006

Fame is the part of the game

Another great thing happened this week in my life which needs special mention here.i had earlier recounted the opensolaris day at TCE and it attracted the view of many icons in the OpenSolaris world.Thanks to Ananth who had provided a link to mine in his blog.The people who commented on that particular article was poker (joe) and Jim Grisanzio, Engineering Community Manager for OpenSolaris.we exchanged some mails between us and we agreed to create Mad-OSUG (MADurai - OpenSolaris User Group) in the itself.Soon i created the website at and a mailing list at is ready too. i heard from ananth that i am the 11th non-Sun leader to coordinate a Open-Solaris of the people above me (the 10 people) is Peter Baer Galvin the person who wrote the Operating Systems book which i read :) and i have been mentioned in Jim Grisanzio's blog too.


Anonymous said...

Good work Praveen ... Keep Evangelizing :) ...

Ananth said...

Congrats pal. Now you need to keep doing even better things things to be in the news ;)

Karthik K Ramamurthy said...

Hi Praveen,
Congratulations for your entry in the Game of Fame!
I’m an alumnus of TCE (MCA, ‘91). I was in the college recently (Jan 20-21) for an Alumni meet, discussing ways the Alumni can help with the Golden Jubilee celebrations.
I recently posted a blog entry - “Walk down memory lane at TCE” (at, and would love to have your comments from a “recent student” perspective.